My lovely British husband went all out Sunday morning and made what his countrymen call, "a fry up". This typical English breakfast consists of fried egg, baked beans, mushrooms, grilled tomato, toast or fried bread and usually a couple of "bangers" (link sausage, to we foreigners) and/or black pudding (blood sausage). Since I haven't taken a vow of giving up every guilt producing food item, I allowed myself a modified version of this cullinary masterpiece.
Only one egg, fried in olive oil, once piece of English bacon, one small round of toast with real butter, half a grilled tomato and a spoonful each of mushrooms and beans.
The trick with modifying my eating habits is to allow "naughty" things occasionally, which keep me from feeling deprived all the time. I also felt in a celebratory mood since I'd lost 2 more pounds, for a total of 7, in the last three weeks.
Unfortunately, the cold from which I am suffering, set me back a bit in the exercise department by keeping me in bed for several days. Sunday I was able to start up again with my elliptical and yoga workouts. Amazing how missing a few days can affect flexibility and stamina.
Less than a week to go now before we pack our bags for a month in France and Germany. We're looking forward to seeing our friends in Lannion as well as our friends who just moved to Munich. It may be a challenge avoiding the pitfalls of luscious French and German cooking (with wine and beer!) while still embracing the life of the locals....but I think I'm willing to try!